By Jennifer Jefferies| The Q Foundation
March 31, 2016 at 10:48 am
Here at The Q Foundation we always keep an eye out for charities that are doing incredible work and need a boost in resources. This month we came across Feed The Little Children based in Perth and we knew we just had to help!

Did you know that up to 89% of Indigenous Australian families live BELOW the Henderson poverty line (Altman and Hunter 1996)? I don’t know about you, but I was shocked when I heard that statistic!
Feed The Little Children is working to change this, providing 300 hot, healthy meals two nights a week for children between 0-10yrs and mainly from single parent Aboriginal families who would struggle to maintain household food security due to very low incomes; high costs of living; overcrowding and a range of other complex historical, social, cultural and economic reasons.

To give them a helping hand we ticked off items on their wish list, providing loads of kitchen stuff from wooden spoons to mixing bowls, scales to tea towels and jugs to cutlery, to help them fulfill their mission.
You can watch the full video of our adventure and our interview with Honey from Feed The Little Children below.
Everyday we are able to make a difference to the lives of children the world over thanks to your help. This time it was a privilege to do it in our own backyard here in Australia. From us and from them, thank you!
Make a donation today.
This article was originally sourced from The Q Foundation :