Author: Jack Reagan,
West Kimberley Clontarf Academy
July 30, 2014

On Friday the 28th March, Clontarf staff from all around Australia assembled in Broome for the annual Clontarf Foundation Professional Development weekend.
About 110 staff were on hand for the first component of the weekend, an afternoon of community volunteer work.
The afternoon of activities highlights the Foundation’s focus on community involvement and is also a great way of leading by example for the boys that are in the programme.
Clontarf staff were split into groups and spent time at Broome Hospital and Germanius Kent.
They also embarked on tree planting at Cable Beach, clean-ups at Town Beach, Kennedy Hill and the One Mile community, car washing at Lotteries House and assisted Feed the Little Children.
Clontarf West Kimberley Academy Director Phil Docherty said giving back to the community was a great way for mentors to lead by example.
“We want to be role models for the boys we work with so they can maybe take a few tips from us and get involved in the community,” he said.
This article was originally sourced from Clontarf Foundation :